I have been meaning to write this post for quite a few days, but was unable to do so due to lack of time. So, as I wait for my PL to finish the review of my project and send it off to the client, I have some time on my hands, and what better to do than post something.
As you all must have guessed from the title, this post is about one of those days when everything seems to go wrong for you and you feel totally helpless and frustrated by the turn of events. The trend with these kind of 'bad days' are that they usually occur on weekdays and you instinctively know when a day will be rotten. For example getting stuck in an early morning traffic jam, reaching late to office, too much work pressure with the manager breathing down your neck, and so on and so forth. I have had my share of these type of horrible days. But, what I am going to write about here is a Saturday gone so bad that I actually wished I was in office. Weird right!!
It was Friday night and as always I was extremely happy as I planned for Saturday. My plans were like this: Wake up at 10.00 in the morning, start watching TV at 10.30 and continue till 2.00 PM, have lunch, watch a movie on the laptop, and take an afternoon nap. Wake up at 6.00 in the evening and do nothing till 7.00, then switch on the TV again and keep on watching it till it's time for dad to come home. Pretty simple with nothing jazzy. But as Saturday arrived, I just knew something was not right and as it turned out, I was right. It was an idiotic day, so much that I formed a list of all the happenings of that day. Here goes my list:
You know it's a bay day when...
1. You wake up at 7.00 in the morning on the weekend, that too on Saturday (despite the fact that you slept at 3.00 in the night after watching two movies), and are unable to go back to sleep.
2. As soon as you step out of your room, your dad starts rattling out numerous instructions and thing-to-do which force you to put your own plans on hold for the day.
3. You suddenly get a call from a relative telling you that he is arriving within half an hour with two of his friends, whom you have never met and have never even heard about. Worse, you are alone at home with just your younger sister for company and as you gaze around while talking on the phone, you realize that your house is in an utter and complete mess.
4. You are forced to do work like cleaning, dusting, folding the sheets etc. all by yourself, to make the house presentable for strangers, as your mother refuses to come home early from work and your dad is too busy to even listen to your problems.
5. It suddenly starts pouring cats and dogs outside, and since the electricity infrastructure in Delhi is so completely useless, there is a short-circuit in the sub-station right opposite your house. As a result, you are not able to switch on any lights, fans and other electrical and electronic equipment, because as soon as you switch on even one light you hear a loud bang from the sub-station along with a lot of fluctuation. Basically, you sit in the dark for hours just staring out of the house, doing nothing, when you could have done so much.
6. You cannot find anything to eat in the house and are forced to have Maggi for breakfast.
7. As soon as you start feeling really sleepy, your guests arrive and you have to be the soul of courtesy and hospitality inspite of the fact that your eyelids are drooping and you are trying damn hard to stifle your yawns.
8. You actually feel like going to office and work on a Saturday!!!
Well, what do you think? Isn't is the ideal day to be categorised under the list of 'Bad Days'? Do tell me about some of your interestingly horrible days too.
Chao !!