Saturday, May 15, 2010


After 5 months of procrastination and laziness I am finally here with my new post. I must say it was not without a lot of coaxing and pushing by my friends. But nonetheless they convinced me to write (type) again. So, here goes..

Love, it is a four letter word with very deep emotions. Everything that one does in his or her life bottles down to this single word. Every person's actions, decisions and thoughts have love as the central theme. Whether it is love for your family, love for money, love for power, love for a guy, love for a girl or just about anything.

In movies, we mostly witness love stories between two people. Be it hollywood, bollywood, tollywood or any other wood, these stories are an integral part of cinema. Here is a scene from a typical hollywood romantic movie:

Boy meets girl, girl meets boy. More often than not it is hate at first sight. They have completely different perspectives in life and fight like bitter enemies. The girl is searching for the man of her dreams and wants a secure future with marriage, children and a loving husband. The guy is wary of commitment and his life is a string of many one-night stands and numerous love affairs. Slowly, from enemies they turn into friends and finally fall in love. The way their love is depicted on screen makes me tingle (don't take it the wrong way, no double meaning intended). The lovely dates, the pampering and the pleasure of each other's company..sigh..They work hard from morning to evening, then in the night lie together on the sofa with arms around each other and discuss about their day and try to get to know each other better.
Even after being in love there are things they don't know about each other. When they are at work both of them concentrate on that. The guy and the girl have different groups of friends with who they hang out separately once in a while.

Cut to real life. I totally fail to understand modern day love and romance. Instead of making me sigh, it gets on my nerves and makes me irritated. It starts out the usual way, boy meets girl and girl meets boy and they become friends. After that, WHOA..its becomes friggin crazy. The guy and the girl start texting (SMSing) each other every day. They still go out with their group of friends. From one message a day it slowly goes up to 2,000 messages in a day. Then one day, suddenly lightning strikes and ther realize that they are in love !!!!! Uhh..I am a little lost can you fall in love through SMSes ?? Anyway, after this realization it becomes completely insane. They stick to each other as if someone put feviquick on them and pressed hard (Feviquick, chutki mein chipkaye). They start ditching their friends, start cancelling plans at the last minute and keep secrets from them. On fine day they just stop hanging out with them. In other words, those two become so dependent upon each other and so engrossed together that they lose their individuality. One won't go anywhere or do anything without the other.
When, by some reason the couple is not together, then they are talking on the phone. For instance, the guy and the girl work at different places. They reach their respective offices, start their PCs, put their mobile headphones in their ears and start talking. They talk throughout the day until the time they meet each other again. Uggghhh!!! I so completely hate that !! A girl constantly whispering endearments into the telephone and then laughing her silly laugh. What exactly is there to say that takes up the whole day or is it a way of keeping tabs on each other ??? I complete my telephonic conversations with my best friends in 45 minutes tops.  None of the two concentrate on the work nor do they make friends at their workplace and THEY DON'T LET THEIR COLLEAGUES WORK IN PEACE EITHER !!!
As per the movie Jab We Met,"Jab do log pyar mein hote hain toh kuch sahi galat nahin hota." I am sorry but I beg to differ. Ditching your friends, neglecting your work and constantly keep the mobile networks jammed is WRONG !!!!
If this is what love is, then I am happy to be single because I can't give up my independence for someone and I can't lose my friends for that someone. Also, I really do not have the stamina to talk on the phone for 24X7 !!


  1. :)
    Sigh Girl! I know exactly what you mean! ;) Seen enough examples of this to know that..
    Welcome back to the blog world! :D

  2. @preeti I know..enough first hand experience..:D
    Thanx for the welcome :p

  3. can't agree!!

  4. I can guess what made you pen down this entry :)

  5. @akhil..i didn't that you have also been witness to this highly irritable behaviour of "love-birds"

  6. @rishi..this post isn't about any specific person. I have encountered such people everywhere, in college, in office, and even in the metro.
