Saturday, August 25, 2012

Four Weeks in the US - Living the Life of a Nomad

4 weeks = 28 days completed in the US. I am not exaggerating when I say that I have lived like a true nomad in these 28 days. The longest I have stayed at one place till now is 5 days. A few of my  friends even joke about it saying that I am already living corporate a jet-setting life! I've become an expert in packing and unpacking things, living in all sorts of places, in short - living out of a suitcase.

Let me tell you a little background story here. I was supposed to share an apartment in Pittsburgh with two other girls, also from India. Since we were unable to find any suitable 3 bedroom apartment on the net through India, we decided to come to Pittsburgh and then physically search. Well, they arrived two days before me, did some customary search and ended up renting a two-bedroom apartment for themselves. I was not informed of this development, and got to know when I reached Pittsburgh. So, I had to go on an apartment hunt immediately. As luck would have it, no good 1-bedroom apartments were available from 1 August. The ones that were available were either expensive, located in a bad neighborhood or simply ugly. After much looking I had to settle for the one that was available from 1st September. Then began the long wait and the nomadic lifestyle. Here's a list of the various places I have stayed in since I arrived in the States, with a short description of each.

July 29–July 31: I was in Cleveland, Ohio, living at a relative's place. It is a nice house and I had a bedroom to myself. Very enjoyable and homely atmosphere.

August 1–August 6: I stayed in Bridgeville (a suburb of Pittsburgh) with a family friend. He lives alone in a small 2-bedroom apartment. He is moving out in December so his house is scattered with things here and there. My bedroom was quite small with a lot of his things lying around. But, somehow I managed to make room for my hefty baggage and other stuff. Then, he had to go out of city for around 2 weeks and since he lived quite far from the campus, at a place where there was no public transportation, I had no way to get to college on my own. hence, I had to move again.

August 7–August 8: I was transported by him to the place of some girl he knew. She is doing her PhD from University of Pittsburgh, and lived close to the CMU campus. Well, she was a stranger for me. Also, now she lived in the basement of an apartment building. Her apartment was just basically a very small room with a tiny kitchen and bathroom. That's it. No bedroom, closet, etc. On top of that, she had another friend from India staying with her. Thus, we were three people living in that miniature room. On top of that, the female who owned the apartment loved cooking and used to cook meals for all her friends. So, everyday during dinner time we used to have 1-2 more people joining in. It was a chaotic situation!

August 9–August 12: I went back to Cleveland because i did not have anything to do in Pittsburgh over the weekend. Also, I was feeling really really homesick and was almost ready to fly back to India, leaving my MBA behind. Again I was back at my relative's place, back in the comfort of family. Once again I enjoyed my stay there and went to visit different places.

August 13–August 16: I was back at that female's place, living with her and her friend in the cramped room. These four days were pure torture, because the girls would come home really late (around 12 AM) and there was nothing to eat in the house. Also, being a newcomer in Pittsburgh, I did not know about the eating joints. I ended up not eating dinner for 3 days, and once I survived by not eating anything for 36 hours at a stretch! I was a wreck and made innumerable calls to my folks back home to call me back to India, as I could not exist here.

August 17–August 19: My family got really worried with my phone calls and called up my relatives in Cleveland, who again sent me a ticket to visit them during this weekend too. So, I traveled to Cleveland for the third time. I just ate and slept there, and did not do anything else.

August 20: My uncle came back from wherever he had gone, and I moved back to his place.

August 21–August 24: During the weekend I was in Cleveland, there was a new development. One of my many uncles staying in New Jersey, one uncle called me and insisted that I come and visit them during the next week, so that I would feel a little less lonely and homesick. I refused, but he was insistent, and sent me a flight ticket. So, I flew to New Jersey on Tuesday (August 21) and have been staying here.

It is not over yet, because I have another week to go through before I get my own apartment. I don't know how many places will I end up switching in the coming week!

I leave New Jersey tomorrow morning, and so have to pack. Will write more later!

Signing Off,
The Nomad!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Family..How I Miss It

For 24 years and 6 months of my life, I was in the protective cocoon of my home and family. Around 3 weeks back my life took a dramatic turn and I landed in the US, all alone without any family member. That is when I realized the true meaning and importance of having your family close to you.

Don't get me wrong, I have always immensely loved and respected my family. However, there are quite a few things that I had taken for granted all these years. Also, there were things that I had become so accustomed to that I did not realize how much I will miss them. Small and trivial things, such as sitting  in my room and listening to my mom watching soap operas in her room, having silly fights with my sister, those 15 minute chatting sessions with my dad after he came home at 10.30 PM, Sunday dinners with everyone, my mom hugging me for no reason once in a while, etc. Also, there are so many chores that I never had to worry about when I was at home, such as washing the clothes, making my bed, breakfast/lunch/dinner, etc. Then there was the unconditional love you get from your parents, siblings and grandparents. I think there is no other place in this world where a person can be loved so truly and completely, and accepted with all of his/her imperfections, except your own home.

There were so many times when during arguments/fights with my parents, I would say to them, "I will be better off staying alone with no one to interfere in my life!" I admit how wrong I was. I now understand that it was their interference in my life that made it so smooth.I really miss those instructions that I received from my parents, all those advisories about where to go, when to be back home, what to do and what not to do, how to go about a problem, etc. In short, I miss their constant interference in my day to day life.

Probably for the first time in my life, I am independent and completely on my own, and that also in a country like the US. It sounds really exciting and fun, but for me it's not. It is hard surviving on your own with no one for moral support. It's hard knowing that no one is waiting for you at home and coming back to an empty house. It's hard not having your near and dear ones with you to discuss your feelings, your fears, and your apprehensions with. But it's the hardest just being away from your family!

I feel extremely lonely and scared. In the past few days, all I have been thinking about is whether I made the right decision by coming here to do my MBA and spending such a humongous amount of money. Will I be able to survive in such a competitive MBA program and get a good internship/job? How will I be able to live without my family for so long?

I don't know where life will take me and what will become of me. I guess I will figure out as I go along.

Signing Off,

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Roller Coaster Ride!!!

If I say the last two months have been a Roller Coaster ride, it is an UNERSTATEMENT! Frankly, I don't have words to describe all that that's changed in my life in the last 60 days. According to my last post, here, I had been admitted to Yonsei University (South Korea's) Global MBA program and was supposed to join it from mid-August. That was the plan and everything was set. The Visa had been obtained (that part is a story in itself and deserves a separate post), the tickets were almost booked and I was ready.

Very happily, I went for my vacation to Singapore and Indonesia. It was an AWESOME trip and I had a blast!! I came back all relaxed and refreshed after 6-7 days. That was 25th June (Monday). On Wednesday (27th June) night, as I was returning from work I thought to myself, " Aaahhh...I feel so happy. My last day at work is 18th July and that gives me almost a month to spend with my family and friends before I go to South Korea. All the expenses have been taken care of my the university, I have on-campus housing, and my parents will be accompanying me to Seoul to help me settle down. Life's Good!" Alas, my relaxation was short-lived. On Thursday (28th June) night, at 11 PM, my cell phone beeped, indicating a new e-mail. I was in bed, reading a book and I just glanced at the screen. It said the mail was from a certain university in the US that I had been trying to get in desperately.

At first I thought it's just an advertisement either asking me to apply again this year, or giving out some general information. But something made me sit up and open my laptop to check the email. Very casually I opened the mail and started reading it. The content of the mail was mind boggling to me. I could not believe my eyes and so I read it again to look for some catch. But there was no catch. It clearly said that I had been admitted to the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University for their Full-time MBA program for Fall 2012!! I went numb for a few minutes, I just did not know how to react. Here I was, all set for going to South Korea and doing my MBA for free, and I suddenly get the admit to one of my dream universities, which is probably one of the most expensive ones too. When I regained my senses, I just barged into my parents room and shouted, " I don't why God can't let me live in peace for a few hours. Why does he have to jumble and complicate my life at every step!!" My parents got worried that probably the Korea people cancelled the admission or there was some other problem. But when I told them what had happened, they were as shocked as me. My dad immediately called all the people he knew in the US and asked what to do. Everyone advised the same thing, send her to the US!!
We discussed with people and amongst ourselves for 2-3 days, as to what next. On Sunday (1 July), it was decided that I will join Tepper. Thus began the Herculean task of collecting all the documents, showing funding (since there is no scholarship, I was to show funds of around $150,000), sending the various documents to the university, getting the Visa etc.

The whole process that I described above generally takes 2-3 months, but I had only 20-25 days to do everything since my classes started from 1 August. So, after running from pillar to post for 5-6 days, my family managed to collect the stipulated funds (mind you, just to show the university, not to use!) and I sent my funding information to the university. I received my I-20 (the most important document for getting the Visa) in another 5-6 days. Finally, I had my Visa interview on 20 July (Friday) and had the US Visa in my hand on 23 July (Monday). My flight was booked for 27 July (Friday) night, and I had another mammoth task in front of me - shopping and packing!! Somehow I did that in 4 days, caught the flight for the US and reached here on Saturday night (the journey was a nightmare and will be described in detail in a new post).

So, today I have officially completed one week in the US and have started with the orientation program. How do I find the country, the city, the school, the classmates, the program?? - Well, hard to tell right now. I am giving myself a few days to adjust and stop feeling homesick. Let's see how it goes. Hopefully, I will try to update the blog more regularly from now!

Signing Off,
Aastha Sobti
Full-time MBA Student, Class of 2014
Tepper School of Business
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania