Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Life...It Just Happens...

Life...It's what happens to you when you are busy making other plans for it 

I've read this quote many a times before, but have understood it only in the last few weeks, six weeks to be precise.

In my previous posts I talked about how my life underwent a major change and I landed in the US of A.

Well, while I was busy making plans for my life after two years (post the completion of my MBA from Tepper School), life itself was planning new twists and turns for me. Obviously, I lost out again and my life had a major upheaval in the last one week. Not withholding the "suspense" any longer, I just wanted to inform everyone that I arrived back in India today!!

There are millions of questions in each person's mind who hears/reads this. What happened, how did it happen, why did it happen, etc. To tell you the truth, even I don't know the answers to most of these questions. There is a long story behind it that lead to this chain of events! However, let me dispel some of the notions before they even enter your mind:

1. I was neither kicked out of the MBA program nor the country.
2. I still have my admission and can go back to start once again next year or the year after that.
3. I did not quit or run away from the program. It was a very hard and thoughtful decision involving multiple parties.

That's all for now, don't want to go into any details at this moment and spell out the story here.

Signing Off,

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